Affordable Housing
Labelle   Florida

The City Under the Oaks

Labelle is a suburban paradise, located just outside of Fort Myers. Labelle is the best place to settle down and raise a family in Southwest Florida. Location is key, a short drive from Fort Myers for endless beach days and family fun combined with a short commute to the expanding AirGlades Airport. Property values are expected to drastically increase with the economic surplus, making Labelle the best place to buy a home in Southwest Florida.

Country Living

Living the country life means living the good life. Homes are large and affordable in Labelle, Florida. 

Warm Weather & Beautiful Beaches!

Southwest Florida is home to over 600 miles of breathtaking shorelines, meaning you can stretch out on the warm sands or enjoy a swim in the turquoise waters of the Gulf of Mexico almost anytime you want. Fort Myers offers a wide variety of beaches, some of which are perfect for a relaxing getaway and others that are ideal for a day playing on the sand. If you prefer sunning away from the crowds, for instance, you'll want to head over to one of the serene beaches on the nearby Captiva Islands.

If you're in the mood to spend some time on the water, you may want to head over to the great Calusa Blueway Paddling Trail. This nearly 200-mile trail is one of the most popular canoeing and kayaking spots in the Fort Myers area and is perfect for both expert and beginner paddlers. While you're sluicing through the glittering coastal waters, you'll see unforgettable sights, including shore birds hopping through the water and verdant plant life.

AirGlades Airport Expansion

Smart Investment & Purchase Decision in a Wholesome Community

Labelle is located just 20 minutes away from the AirGlades Airport. The airport is a global logistics hub that receives more than 83 percent of all commodities imported to the United States and from which more than 79 percent of all commodities exported from the United States to the Americas leaves. The growth of trade presents an opportunity for Hendry County and nearby communities, such as Labelle, to serve as a global logistics hub for Florida and the U.S. with the establishment of an international airport. 

The planned expansion of the Airglades Airport includes 600,000 square feet of refrigerated space to receive, process and distribute perishable cargo imported to the U.S. or exported to the Americas.

The expansion of the Airglades Airport is expected to create more than 10,000 jobs during the construction phase; and
 will create 1,700 long-term, good-paying jobs for the people living in neighboring communities such as Labelle, Florida.

The economic opportunity that comes with the Airglades International Airport will not only create jobs for Florida families, but will also diversify the local economy and protect the region from the devastating impacts of a future economic downturn.

The Airglades International Airport is estimated to generate millions in ad valorem revenues per year, which will be invested in the essential services provided to this community.
Top 8 Reasons to Move to Labelle, Florida

1. Peace and Quiet
If you go from city living to country living, the first thing you’ll notice is how quiet it is in the country. You can’t hear the cars on the interstate, or the garbage truck that comes at 6 a.m. You don’t have to worry about neighbors playing their music too loud or cars honking right outside your window. The peace and quiet of country living isn’t just about what you can’t hear, it’s also about what you can hear – the rain hitting your roof at night, the birds singing in the morning, and the cows mooing out in the pasture. These are the kinds of sounds that play a natural soundtrack to a peaceful, country life. It also means you can crank your music as loud as you want and honk at your livestock if they get in your car’s way.

2. You Can See Stars
There’s nothing better than taking a blanket out and laying it down in the grass on a summer night, so you can lie down and look up at the stars. When you live in the city, you’re lucky if you can look up and see a handful of stars, but in the country, the number of stars you can see is limitless. It will take your breath away.

3. Friendly Neighbors
Just because you live in the country, doesn’t mean you don’t know your neighbors. In fact, communities in the country tend to be close-knit. People still rely on each other, even more so than people in the city, and that’s partly because stores are many times miles and miles away. Neighbors still get those calls for a little bit of flour or a couple of eggs, and they don’t mind one bit because they know their neighbors will do the same for them.

4. Good for Raising Good Kids
Parents in the country raise their kids the same way they were raised. They send them out the door and tell them to be back by supper, and they fully expect their kids to come back dirty from playing in the woods or in the creek. When their kids are old enough, parents start teaching them how to help around the house, the yard or the garden. It’s the kinds of hands-on learning that will serve them well for the rest of their lives.

5. Fresh Air and No Traffic
When you live in the country, you don’t have to worry about smog or pollution. There’s hardly any traffic at all, unless you count those times you get stuck behind a slow moving tractor on the road or that time all of your cows got out.

6. Slower Pace
Living in the country, means choosing a slower pace of life. This doesn’t mean that country folks don’t have a lot to do. It just means they don’t let the hustle and bustle of the rat race bog them down. Country folks relax a little more and aren’t afraid to slow down.

7. Room For Livestock and Gardens
In the country, you can truly live off the land. You can grow crops or a simple garden, as well as, raise chickens and other types of livestock that aren’t welcome in the city. The best kinds of meals are those that go straight from your farm and onto your table.

8. Know How to Survive
It’s just like Hank Williams Jr. song says, “A country boy can survive.” Country boys (and girls) know how to fish and hunt, and how to live off the land. They know how to make things from scratch and grow their own tomatoes. When you live in the country, that’s just part of country living. And most people wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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